HLL Custom tri suits

We get all sorts of strange requests for custom tri suits here at Carvalho Custom and some of them can be quite challenging for us to produce. When the Harlem Lacrosse and Leadership triathlon team said that they wanted their custom tri suits to look like they were wearing jeans, we knew it would be a bit of a challenge, but we think it came out pretty well.

HLL custom tri suits

We will leave you to make you own mind up…..

Whatever you think about the design of their triathlon suits, there is no doubt that Harlem Lacrosse and Leadership is a fantastic organization: it is a non-profit youth service organization that uses lacrosse to engage roughly 300 at-risk children from low income areas of New York City, providing a safe, structured environment for children to compete, learn and develop into future leaders in their communities. Carvalho Custom salutes you and all the other organizations round the world looking to make a difference through sport.

Thanks to everyone at the London Triathlon

We have just got back from exhibiting at the Virgin Triathlon and I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who took the time to come and visit our stand. Being based in Portugal, we only rarely get to meet our clients and it was just so gratifying to see so many people racing in our club tri suits and to meet up with some of them.

Here is Marta from Carvalho Custom looking after the stand – she had to keep smiling like that from 8 in the morning to 7 in the evening, Saturday and Sunday, so she is going to be looking miserable all week to let her face recover….

Headwaters Tri Club Minnesota looking fantastic in their custom tri kit

We made some kit up for the Headwaters Triathlon Club, based in Bemidji, Minnesota and they were kind enough to send us some photos of their club members looking stunning in their Carvalho Custom kit:

They are an extremely friendly club, catering for the complete spectrum of triathlon abilities from beginners who are not really sure if they want to get involved in the sport to proper full-on triathlon junkies. It has been a real pleasure to work with them on their order and I have to say that they really nailed their design.

There was an inspirational story on their blog by David Lewis and his journey to finishing his first Ironman. In true triathlete style he tells you a story of the gut-wrenching suffering of getting to the finishing line and ends with “LOVE IT. Can’t wait until the next one.” Here is he crossing the line and congratulations for getting there from all of the team at Carvalho Custom.

We are always very happy to feature stories from our custom cycling & triathlon clothing clients on our blog, so please get in touch if you have any club news that you would like us to feature!

Racing Triathlons for Autism in Singapore

We produce a lot of cycling and triathlon kit for charity events and for individuals who want triathlon or cycling clothing for a race they are doing for charity. Our first client from Singapore, Gil Perez, has started racing triathlons to raise awareness about autism as he has an autistic son.

Gil made his tri suits using our online semi-custom triathlon design program, which costs just 90 euros to set up a design.

It frankly makes us feel great about the work we do to be providing kit for anyone organizing or racing in charity events and heartfelt congratulations to Gil Perez for doing what he does and our very best wishes to him and his son, Nathan, who must be very proud of his dad!Wij produceren veel wieler- en triatlonkleding voor liefdadigheidsevenementen en sporters die meedoen aan wedstrijden voor liefdadigheid. Onze eerste klant uit Singapore, Gil Perez, is mee gaan doen aan triatlons voor bewustmaking voor autisme omdat hij een autistische zoon heeft.

Gil heeft zijn triatlonpak ontworpen met behulp van onze online semi-custom ontwerpprogramma voor triatlonpakken voor een opstartprijs van slechtst €90.

Wij zijn er zeer trots op dat wij sportkleding mogen leveren aan klanten die liefdadigheidsevenementen organiseren of er aan mee doen en willen Gil Perez dan ook oprecht feliciteren met wat hij doet en wensen hem en zijn zoon Nathan het allerbeste. Wij weten zeker dat hij erg trots is op zijn papa!

Harlem Lacrosse and Leadership Tri Team custom tri suits

If you have ever worked with us here at Carvalho Custom, you will probably know that one of us is from New York (that will be Nicole) – the thing about New Yorkers is that they tell you exactly what they think, which always keeps things interesting in the office….

Anyway, we just did some custom tri kit for the Harlem Lacrosse and Leadership Tri Team, we were looking forward to their feedback, as we knew it was going to be frank. Luckily they liked the kit and this is what they wrote:


We can’t thank you enough.  The suits came out amazing.  We even got them in time for a sprint tri that half of our team did this past weekend.  The whole group is psyched to wear them July 9th for the New York City Triathlon!  Thanks so much again, the suits are so AWESOME!  We will definitely be using you guys again!

Now that is the kind of honesty I like – if you are looking for an honest opinion on a design idea, then just ask Nicole and she will tell you EXACTLY what she thinks. Now what’s a guy gotta do to get some cwarffee round here?

Abu Dhabi Custom Triathlon Kit

We sell custom cycling and triathlon kit all over the world, although Europe accounts for over 80% of our sales. There is not frankly speaking a massive triathlon market in the Middle East, but the Abu Dhabi Triathlon Club is trying to put that right. Here they are looking very nicely tanned for early March in Carvalho Custom cycling and triathlon clothing

They have just taken delivery of triathlon and cycling kit for the 2012 season and if you are from that part of the world, you should get in touch with them, as they are an extremely friendly bunch and welcome triathletes of all abilities and of course they have some fantastic looking race and training clothing that you will get to wear……!

Pamplona Capital Management custom tri kit

We make lots of custom cycling and triathlon kit for corporate teams from the financial sector – the big cheeses who circulate money round the global financial system also seem to be very competitive when they get their hands on a bike! Over the last year or so we have supplied among others, HSBC, ING, I-Shares, ICAP, Deloittes and Pamplona Capital Mangament (picture below).

custom ladies tri suit

The Pamplona Capital Management team seem to get around the triathlon race circuit a bit and judging by the photos they are in pretty good shape so there has to be a suspicion that (perish the thought) some of them might prefer to be out training than sitting behind their desks making squillions. [Note to Pamplona Capital Management CEO – your staff come up with all their best ideas when they are out training in the fresh air, so perhaps you should make triathlon compulsory for all your employees?].

Mirjam Weerd gets second in Salzburg triathlon

We have been supplying Mirjam Weerd and her pro Dutch triathlon team Davilex with kit for a couple of years. Mirjam turned full time pro in 2010 and she is one of the nicest people you will ever meet in the sport, but a fierce competitor. She just came second in the Salzburh tri (Olympic Distance), which is pretty impressive for an Ironman specialist!

custom ladies tri suit

Here she is wearing our custom ladies tri suit, looking in fantastic shape on the run. Keep up the training Mirjam, just one step up the podium next time….

Help for Heroes make £100m

We have been very proud to supply Help for Heroes with custom cycling jerseys for their annual Big Battlefield Bike Ride and this year their arrival in Paris coincided with them reaching £100m of fundraising.

help for heroes cycling jerseys

They are determined to carry on fund raising and it is difficult to think of a more worthy cause, and their success really reflects the depth of support there is in the UK for our soldiers. Long may it continue!

We have some stock of Help for Heroes cycling jerseys priced at 15 euros + VAT each – please click here to buy online or contact us if you are interested.We have been very proud to supply Help for Heroes with custom cycling jerseys for their annual Big Battlefield Bike Ride and this year their arrival in Paris coincided with them reaching £100m of fundraising.

help for heroes cycling jerseys

They are determined to carry on fund raising and it is difficult to think of a more worthy cause, and their success really reflects the depth of support there is in the UK for our soldiers. Long may it continue!