Racing Triathlons for Autism in Singapore

We produce a lot of cycling and triathlon kit for charity events and for individuals who want triathlon or cycling clothing for a race they are doing for charity. Our first client from Singapore, Gil Perez, has started racing triathlons to raise awareness about autism as he has an autistic son.

Gil made his tri suits using our online semi-custom triathlon design program, which costs just 90 euros to set up a design.

It frankly makes us feel great about the work we do to be providing kit for anyone organizing or racing in charity events and heartfelt congratulations to Gil Perez for doing what he does and our very best wishes to him and his son, Nathan, who must be very proud of his dad!Wij produceren veel wieler- en triatlonkleding voor liefdadigheidsevenementen en sporters die meedoen aan wedstrijden voor liefdadigheid. Onze eerste klant uit Singapore, Gil Perez, is mee gaan doen aan triatlons voor bewustmaking voor autisme omdat hij een autistische zoon heeft.

Gil heeft zijn triatlonpak ontworpen met behulp van onze online semi-custom ontwerpprogramma voor triatlonpakken voor een opstartprijs van slechtst €90.

Wij zijn er zeer trots op dat wij sportkleding mogen leveren aan klanten die liefdadigheidsevenementen organiseren of er aan mee doen en willen Gil Perez dan ook oprecht feliciteren met wat hij doet en wensen hem en zijn zoon Nathan het allerbeste. Wij weten zeker dat hij erg trots is op zijn papa!

Semi custom tri suits & tri kit

Our semi custom cycling kit has been extremely popular, so we have now added a semi-custom tri kit option. This will allow you to design a semi-custom tri suit, added the colours, text and logo you require for just a €90 design fee. Our design system allows you to design tri kit based on the male tri suit template, but you can also order semi-custom female tri suits, tri shorts and tri tops (male and female) using the same design and included in the €90 fee. We will just adapt the tri suit design you make to the other items of kit you order.

semi-custom tri suit

At the moment we have just one template option for the semi-custom tri kit, but we will be adding more. If you would like to order both cycling and triathlon kit in the same semi-custom design, then the €90 design fee will be charged twice.

Wheelworx custom ladies tri suits

We have been supplying Wheelworx in Dublin with custom cycling and tri clothing for 3 years now – as well as being Dublin’s leading triathlon shop, they are also one of the leading tri teams in Ireland.

They are having a fantastic season and have just had a one, two in the female Triathy Olympic distance, with Aileen Morrison winning and Elena Maslova coming second. You can see Aileen above in T2 wearing our new custom female trisuit.

Elena obviously hadn’t had sufficient work out, so after the race she had a couple of Powerbars, towelled herself down and jumped back in the water to win the Sprint distance. She would probably have run the 80 kms back to Dublin after sinking a couple of pints to celebrate her victory if they hadn’t bundled her into the van…..

Oxford Universitry Triathlon team

We were very proud to supply the tri kit for the Oxford University Triathlon team for 2008 and we will be doing it again for 2009. oxford tri mens tri suit

The Oxford girls managed to whip the Cambridge backsides in ‘08, but the boys had been spending too much time in the pub and lost.oxford tri ladies tri suit

Best of luck for 2009 to Oxford and boys don’t let the girls down this time!