Our pro team cycling kit on the podium!

Carvalho Custom kit is supplied in Portugal by Cofides and one of the Portuguese pro teams wearing the custom cycling clothing is LA Alumínios/Antarte. Here is Pedro Paulinho on the podium for the Volta a Portugal, wearing our new lycra racing jersey.

Our new custom lycra cycling jerseys are becoming more popular, particularly with high end riders looking for an aero fit and we have put in a lot of work to develop a custom cycling jersey that combines a boy hugging silhouette with breathability, by combining some different fabrics.

Race Around Ireland Custom Cycling Jerseys

This is our second year of sponsoring the Race Around Ireland – 2200kms of non-stop cycling racing and Europe’s answer to the Race Across America.

The race starts just north of Dublin in Navan, then heads up into Northern Ireland, across to the west coast, down to the bottom then back to Navan. Some of the competitors do this on their own, grabbing just a few hours sleep over 5 days (yes they ride 400+k a day for 5 days, which you probably shouldn’t try at home).

The race is organised by a truly inspirational man, Alan Heary, a sports psychologist who has worked with all sorts of top athletes from a variety of sports. It is no coincidence that he has chosen to run one of the world’s greatest endurance tests, because he specialises in understanding how you get sports people to dig deeper than they knew they could dig. You will see a lot of that in the Race Around Ireland….

The race starts 9th of September and you can follow it all online and Carvalho Custom will be there at the start, so please come along to see the race and meet us. We sponsor the RAI because we want to put something back into Irish cycling as we have really grown strongly in recent years in the Irish custom cycling and triathlon clothing markets and the RAI needs your support too.

Alkmaar Winter Duathlon cycling jerseys

Here are the winners of the Boretti Winter Duathlon in Alkmaar, which is the second race in the 5 race Winter Triathlon series, sponsored by Carvalho Custom. We were not able to come over from Portugal to see the race this time, which is a great shame, but we will be there in Groningen and Twente in March 2012. Well done to the 4 category winners, pictured here wearing the Carvalho Custom winners’ jerseys!

alkmaar winter duathlon custom cycling jerseys

Hier zijn de winnaars van de Boretti Winter Duathlon in Alkmaar, de tweede race van de vijf race Winter Triathlon serie, gesponsord door Carvalho Custom. Helaas was het ons niet mogelijk voor dit evenement uit Portugal over te komen, maar in maart 2012 zullen wij zeker in Groningen en Twente van de partij zijn. Onze hartelijke gelukwensen aan de vier categorie winnaars, hier afgebeeld in hun Carvalho Custom fietsshirts.

Sponsoring the Assen Winter Triathlon in Holland

We have just come back from Assen in Holland where we sponsored the first event in the Winter Triathlon Series (Run-Bike-Skate). It was an unbelievably well-organised event: only in Holland would you be able to find 312 volunteers to run an event for 600 people and we would very much like to thank the organizers for being so amazingly helpful to us. We really hope to come back next year and if you are based in Holland, please consider the next 4 events in the Winter Triathlon Series:

assen wintertriathlon stand

Winterduathlon Alkmaar – 13th November 2011
Wintertriathlon Inzell – 11th February 2012
Wintertriathlon Groningen – 10th March 2012
Wintertriathlon Twente – 24th March 2012

We are not, going to be able to come to all the events, but plan to be at Groningen and Twente, so please come along and see us if you are interested in custom cycling and triathlon clothing and we can show you some samples and have a chat!

winner's jersey at assen wintertriathlon

We zijn net terug uit Assen, waar wij het eerste evenement van de Winter Triathlon Series (Run-Bike-Skate) hebben gesponsord. Het was een bijzonder goed georganiseerd evenement: 312 vrijwilligers die een evenement organiseren voor 600 mensen, dat zie je alleen in Nederland! We willen dan ook de organisatie heel erg bedanken voor de goede zorg die wij hebben gehad tijdens het evenement. We hopen dat we volgend jaar weer kunnen komen. Als je zelf in Nederland zit, hou dan de data van de volgende Winter Triathlon Series in de gaten:

Winterduathlon Alkmaar – 13 November 2011
Wintertriathlon Inzell (Oostenrijk)- 11 Februari 2012
Wintertriathlon Groningen – 10 Maart 2012
Wintertriathlon Twente – 24 Maart 2012

Het is voor ons niet mogelijk om bij al de evenementen in Nederland te zijn, maar we hopen in Groningen en Twente langs te komen met onze stand. Dus als je geïnteresseerd bent in onze custom design triathlon- en fietskleding, kom dan tijdens een van deze evenementen even langs om kennis te maken en een paar van onze voorbeelden te bekijken.

Race around Ireland Custom Cycling Jerseys

So you think you can ride a bike a bit? Fancy yourself as a strong rider who can hold anyone’s wheel? Well how do you think you would do in a 2100km non stop race!!? (For the record you would have had to have ridden it in 4 days, 17 hours and 12 minutes to win it in 2010). The Race Around Ireland is going to start on the 11th of September and if you really want to show to the world how astonishingly hard you are, then you had better start putting in a few extra miles on the bike and enter the race!

The Race Around Ireland is one of the most prestigious events on the Ultra-cycling World Cup calendar and if you are not a genuine nutter, then you can enter in teams of 2, 4 or 8. As well as being an experience of a lifetime in terms of suffering and sleep deprivation, it will also be a chance to see one of the most beautiful countries in the world.
race around ireland

Such is our admiration for anyone who can finish this event we have agreed to sponsor the jerseys for anyone who makes it round. And if you are entering the race, please get in touch with us and we will do you a special deal on some custom cycling kit for you to ride in.

I-team Cycling Club Kit

We are very proud to supply the kit to one of the most active online cycling clubs, I-Team CC. They have over 200 members worldwide and organise racing, coaching and training activities for their members and they all get to wear the great looking kit!

i-team custom cycling jerseys

I-team cater for all ages and abilities and they offer support for whatever your cycling aims are – here is what they say about themselves: “Something fundamental to i-Team is that we don’t just talk about doing something – we do it. From crazy ideas like roller blading up Mont Ventoux, to finishing a team of over 20 riders in the Etape du Tour, winning 2 National Championships, placing 9 youth & junior riders in to British Cycling Talent Team & 2 Juniors riders placed on the Olympic Development Team.” You can contact them via their site if you are interested in being a part of their online cycling club.

They have been a fantastic client to work with and we look forward to supplying more of their distinctive kit – they were kind enough to send us the following feedback:

Hi Nicole,

I would like to add the following feedback from my experience with your company so far – please feel free to include it as a testimonial on website etc.

“The clothing that a team wears is a major factor in the forming of a team’s identity. The importance of getting the right balance between style, value and quality should not be underestimated, nor should amount of time & effort it may take to get a design from the drawing board to manufacture.

Our team jersey design is particularly complicated, being asymmetrical, with a number of subtle design features and so we always have to work closely with suppliers to get things the way we like it.

Since 2003, we have tried suppliers from Italy, Belgium & U.K. and I can report that working with Carvalho Custom has been a breath of fresh air.

What especially impressed us was the great communication at all stages from initial enquiry, through to the prompt delivery – and the quality of the final product.

With this in mind, I would strongly recommend Carvalho Custom to anyone requiring a supplier of quality custom team clothing.

Thank you Carvalho!


Guy Watson

Team Owner www.i-team.cc

Les Veloistes Gentils cycling jerseys

Les Veloistes Gentiles are a group of friends who ride together round France periodically. This year they took on the Pyrenees, including the Tourmalet. A great idea if you can convince some more sap to follow you round in a truck with your bags in the back.

If you have never taken on some proper cycling mountains in the Alps or Pyrenees, you have to go one day. I think a lot of riders think they will never make it up, given the kind of rides they normally train on, but my experience of working as a guide in some big mountains is that it is astounding what a bit of application and a very small gear can do for you when faced with the steep stuff. There are now lots of organisations which also organise these kind of trips such as Veloventoux and Pyractif which can make sure your trip runs smoothly.

Help for Heroes Custom cycling jerseys

We were very proud to supply 1000 jerseys to Help for Heroes for their annual charity ride round the battle fields of Northern France, having already supplied them for their first ride in 2008. We suply quite a large number of charity cycling jerseys, but this has to be one of the most deserving causes.

If you would like to raise some money in a cycling event for Help for Heroes, wearing a Help for Heroes cycling jersey, then you can contact them via their site as they have some in stock.

We have some stock of Help for Heroes cycling jerseys priced at 15 euros + VAT each – please click here to buy online or contact us if you are interested.

Please note that we also supply semi-custom cycling jerseys with much lower set up fees (€90) than for a full custom design, should you be thinking of doing another charity cycle ride and would like to get some kit made.We were very proud to supply 1000 jerseys to Help for Heroes for their annual charity ride round the battle fields of Northern France, having already supplied them for their first ride in 2008. We suply quite a large number of charity cycling jerseys, but this has to be one of the most deserving causes.

If you would like to raise some money in a cycling event for Help for Heroes, wearing a Help for Heroes cycling jersey, then you can contact them via their site as they have some in stock.

Please note that we also supply semi-custom cycling jerseys with much lower set up fees (€90) than for a full custom design, should you be thinking of doing another charity cycle ride and would like to get some kit made.

Lincoln Wheelers

We were very proud to supply Lincoln Wheelers with their kit for 2008 and I am glad to say that they have been very satisfied customers. We had to put right a few chamoises for them as there was a production defect, but of course we will always replace any defective item that we produce as we offer a 12 month guarantee on everything we produce and cover any postage costs involved should any item need to be returned.

We are also very lucky that Lincoln Wheelers have been very helpful in testing for us some new ladies non-bib shorts and ladies jersey that we have recently developed. We are constantly adapting and changing our range and we are always looking for riders to test the new kit out as you need a lot of opinions to generate some worthwhile feedback.

Best of luck to Lincoln Wheelers for the 2009 season and thank you so much for the help with the testing!

Richmond Pro Cycling, USA

We have been supplying Richmond Pro Cycling with kit for a few years now – they are a pro cycling team from Virginia who are also very active in promoting cycling in the general community and in particular to disadvantaged groups. They are also kicking ass on their bikes and have become a force to be reckoned with on the US pro circuit, currently ranking 4th in the US Criterium Series.

Richmond Pro Cycling – custom kitThe team relies to a large extent on charitable donations to keep racing and they have done an amazing job in bringing cycling to a wider audience and giving something positive back to their community. You can find out more at http://www.richmondprocycling.com/ Not all pro teams are blessed with millions of dollars/pounds/euros from wealthy sponsors and they are trying to establish a new model where they give their time and inspiration to their community and in return they get some financial support back. Sounds like a pretty good idea to me…