We are very busy!

At this time of year we tend to get busy, but this year has beaten all records! We just cannot make kit fast enough at the moment because our order books are so full and this has meant our lead times have been pushed out to a little over 6 weeks.


We aspire to deliver in a month, but with this many orders coming in we can’t – we are not missing any deadlines we have given clients, but we think it is fair that we do not create false expectations for new clients, which is why we are writing this blog post.

The reason we are so busy is because we have continued to focus on producing pro quality custom cycling and tri kit at reasonable prices, so we don’t try and compete with the cheap and cheerful brands and we are much better value for money than other premium quality suppliers. Our simple secret is that we work from Portugal, a low cost economy with a history of producing high quality textiles and we distribute direct to customers, so that we can pass all our cost savings on to you, our clients.

For future reference, if you are able to order outside of April to July, then we will be able to deliver faster and we will continue to grow our capacity just as fast as we can!

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