Race Around Ireland – why not give it a go?

We are delighted to say that having sponsored the Race Around Ireland in 2011 we are signed up again for 2012 – amongst other things we will be providing custom cycling jerseys for all the riders (and the mascot – pictured below!).

mini custom cycling jersey

The Race Around Ireland is a similar sort of race to the Race Across America, in that it is a non-stop endurance race (in this case about 2100 kms) and any time the riders spend sleeping is time lost in the race. Some certifiable riders do it on their own and finish in around 5 days, having slept for an hour or two each day, but most choose to do it as part of a team (2, 4 or 8 riders) riding in relays. So as one person rides, the others get to sleep and eat in the van. This year the race takes place on the 9th of September

Having been to the race last year, we can say that it is a fantastically well organised operation and we would love to support anyone who is interested in doing it. If you are a member of a club that is already supplied by Carvalho Custom, then we will be happy to supply you with a free pair of our new bib shorts in your club colours to do the race in (a good chance to see just how comfortable our new custom bib shorts are!). For anyone else wishing to do the race, we will make you some kit up using our semi-custom design system with no design fee.

If you you would like to find out more about the event then you can either contact us at Carvalho Custom, or speak directly to Alan (alan@racearoundireland.com) who is extremely helpful and generous with his time. Events like this are once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to do something truly amazing and tick off one of the great cycling challenges in the world!

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