Photo shoot for our custom cycling & triathlon kit range

We have spent a couple of days riding, running and swimming round Portugal taking some photos of our kit to revamp the website and also to produce a pdf brochure of our custom cycling & triathlon club kit range, which a lot of clients have been asking us for.

So here is a taste of some of the photos we have:

custom cycling skinsuit

Here we are setting up the first shots, bright and early…

custom swimming costume

About to get wet in the pool….

club cycling kit

Giving it some welly on the bikes.

We were very lucky to have the exceptional talents of Margarida Ramos who took the above photos and is just starting out in her career and Joana Maltez who was the main photographer for the shoot. As well as being great professionals they were just such a pleasure to work with and I think the results speak for themselves, so thank you so much to both of them.

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