Custom fit for custom tri suits and cycling kit

We have clients of all shapes and sizes: the ones who have the biggest problems getting custom tri suits or cycling kit to fit them correctly are the tall and skinny athletes or the short and chunky ones. But never fear, we have a fit solution that does not cost any extra that can help the the skinny rakes and the barrel chested. For the beanpoles we offer a ‘plus’ size – this means that there is extra length of the torso, arms and legs; for the shorter, chunky athletes we have a minus size with the opposite (so shorter arms, legs and torso).

So if you were to order for example a size Medium Plus tri-suit, it would have the standard chest and hip measurements, but the torso length would be that of a large. Conversely if you were to order a Medium Minus cycling jacket, it would also have the chest measurement of a standard medium, but the arm length would be that of a small.

Furthermore, if you have a particular sizing requirement that you would like (for example a slightly a 2cm longer leg on shorts) then we can do that also, although typically this will cost a little extra. We can also make other changes to our standard range, such as adding extra pockets, adding zips to pockets, adding reflective stripes and even changing fabrics where required. Please just ask for more information.

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