The TCR show

Last weekend (7th and 8th of February) we had a stand at the TCR show in Esher and we will definitely be back next year. Probably the best thing about it was the chance to speak to clients we have been supplying for years and only every spoken to on the phone or by email – so many thanks for coming to say hello to Dunmow Tri, Tri Force, Barracuda Tri, NTri, TriLife and everyone else who turned up.

our stand

We managed to generate a fair bit of interest in some of the new kit we have available, mainly the new tri suits shown above, but also the new fabrics we have for the cycling jackets which are more stretchy, more breathable and softer to the touch.

Looks like our next show will be the Cycle Show in London this October and maybe the London Triathlon also in August. If you happen to see us there, please come and say hello.

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