Kars Eijsink Wins Ommen Cross-Country

Kars Eijsink is one of Holland’s leading young triathletes and we are very proud to sponsor his training and race triathlon kit as well as help him out with some of his expenses. At Carvalho Custom we appreciate that it is very difficult for young triathletes to have access to sponsorship opportunities, which can make it very difficult for them to compete internationally. Kars is an exceptional triathlete and extremely professional in his approach to racing and training, which is why we decided to support him. If you are a young triathlete and think you deserve our support, please get in touch with us at Carvalho Custom as we may be interested in helping out as we really believe in paying something back into the sport that we make a living from.

Here is Kars pictured winning the Ommen cross-country race (wearing our custom athletics vest!) as part of his build up to the triathlon season and his first race in Antalya, Turkey. Kars has a very special relationship with his coach, Job Eijsink, who happens to be his older brother! Job is also a leading triathlete, now competing at Ironman distance, but he says that his little brother is the real deal, with ambitions of becoming a leading professional in years to come. Job’s training philosophy is all about not over-racing and building Kars training slowly over the years so that he does not peak to soon and burn out. So keep your eyes open for the name Kars Eijsink in the years to come.

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